White Noise for Better Sleep
We’ve all been there — we finally fall asleep, and then a car goes by or the furnace starts with a whoosh and just like that, we’re wide awake. Again. The sudden change in noise levels is what wakes us up, and the tiny jolt of adrenaline we feel until we can identify the sound is what keeps us awake.
Saying Goodbye to Stress
Life is stressful, and how stress affects the body actually preps you for emergencies. Those heightened senses allow you to spring into action, moving the kids to the car as you’re making a phone call to the office, tying shoes and stuffing book bags, and thinking of an alternate route to work to avoid the construction.
Staying Productive While Working from Home
Working from home didn’t sound so bad at first, huh? Well, we get it, now you’re bored, distracted, and finding yourself easily offtrack. Without structure and someone else to hold us accountable, it’s a lot easier to procrastinate and Netflix our way through the day, rather than get those work-related tasks completed.
5 Ways to Spring Forward and Still Feel Great
Daylight Savings Time is coming up fast (Sunday, March 8). From conserving electricity costs to simply having more time to enjoy the sunshine in the evening, there’s a lot to like about this annual occurrence. However, that first week or 2 after “springing forward” can take its toll on your body and have you fighting to stay awake. In fact, studies show a significant increase in fatal traffic accidents and heart attacks the weeks immediately before and after Daylight Savings Time — meaning the increased exhaustion levels are real.
Why the Air in Your Home Is Beyond Polluted — And How To Fight Back
With frightening viruses and environmental disasters in the news, it’s more tempting than ever to retreat to the safety of home. Yet a growing number of studies indicates that the air in your home can be more polluted than the air outside — even when compared to the air in heavily industrialized cities.